European Sour Ale

BJCP 2021:


European Sour Ales encompass a variety of beer styles that originated in Europe, characterized by their intentional acidic, tart, or sour flavors. These beers are often produced with unique fermentation techniques and can include a diverse range of microbes such as Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, and wild yeasts like Brettanomyces to achieve their distinct sour character. Styles within this category can exhibit a broad spectrum of attributes ranging from light and refreshing to deep and complex.

Notable styles inside the European Sour Ale umbrella include the light and effervescent Berliner Weisse from Germany, known for its sharp lactic acidity; the Flanders Red Ale from Belgium, which typically presents a more balanced sourness with strong fruit notes and a rich, malty sweetness; and Lambic beers, also from Belgium, which are renowned for their spontaneous fermentation process using wild yeasts native to the Senne valley. These styles vary significantly in color, alcohol content, malt profile, and degree of sourness. Their unique production methods often relying on aging in wood barrels set European Sour Ales apart from other beer categories that utilize more controlled fermentation processes with standard yeast strains.

Distinct beer styles within this category:



In Database
2.9 < 4.9 < 7.2 %


In Database
2 < 8 < 25 IBU


In Database
4 < 7 < 40 EBC
2 < 3 < 20 SRM

Original Extract

In Database
7.1 < 11.6 < 16.8 °P
1.028 < 1.047 < 1.069 OG

Final Gravity

In Database
0.6 < 2.3 < 4.6 °P
1.002 < 1.009 < 1.018 FG

Popularity Over Time

Most Used Yeasts

Most Used Hops

Dosage of Hops

Hop Pairings

Brewing Recipes