Lallemand · LalBrew Munich Classic Wheat Beer
- Recipes:
- 1,060
- Form:
- Dry
- Attenuation:
- 78.0%
- Flocculation:
- Low
- Tolerance:
- High
- Temperature:
- 18.0 – 22.0°C
LalBrew Munich Classic Wheat Beer is a dry ale yeast from Lallemand, with a high attenuation of 78.0% and low flocculation. It has an alcohol tolerance of up to 11%, and should be fermented at temperatures between 18.0-22.0 °C for optimal results. This strain is ideal for producing classic German wheat beers, such as the classic Hefeweizen beer style, and it can also produce other styles such as Weizenbock and Dunkelweizen. The flavor profile produced by this strain is characterized by a light sweetness, slight spice notes, subtle banana and clove aromas, and hints of citrus fruits in the finish.