Wyeast · Bavarian Lager 2206
- Recipes:
- 2,857
- Form:
- Liquid
- Attenuation:
- 75.0%
- Flocculation:
- Medium-High
- Tolerance:
- 9.0%
- Temperature:
- 8.0 – 14.0°C
Wyeast's Bavarian Lager (2206) is a liquid lager yeast that has medium-high flocculation and an attenuation of 75.0%. It has an alcohol tolerance of up to 9.0%, and its ideal fermentation temperature is 8.0-14.0 °C. This yeast is perfect for brewing traditional German-style beers such as Märzens, Oktoberfests, Bocks, Vienna Lagers, Dunkels, and Helles. This strain will produce a clean flavor profile with subtle notes of breadiness and fruitiness that compliments the malt character of the beer without overpowering it.