Wyeast · Bavarian Wheat 3056
- Recipes:
- 452
- Form:
- Liquid
- Attenuation:
- 75.0%
- Flocculation:
- Medium
- Tolerance:
- 10.0%
- Temperature:
- 18.0 – 23.0°C
Wyeast's Bavarian Wheat (3056) is a liquid wheat yeast type that offers an attenuation rate of 75.0% and medium flocculation. It has an alcohol tolerance of 10.0% and its ideal fermentation temperature range is 18.0-23.0 °C. This yeast is the perfect choice for brewing a variety of German beer styles, including Hefeweizen, Dunkelweizen, Weizenbock and Kristallweizen. Bavarian Wheat (3056) will bring out a distinct flavor profile in your beers, with notes of banana and clove that give your brews a unique aroma and taste.