Wyeast · Bavarian Wheat 3638
- Recipes:
- 391
- Form:
- Liquid
- Attenuation:
- 73.0%
- Flocculation:
- Low
- Tolerance:
- 10.0%
- Temperature:
- 18.0 – 24.0°C
Wyeast's Bavarian Wheat (3638) is a liquid wheat yeast ideal for brewing German wheat beers. It has a low flocculation rate, an attenuation of 73.0%, and an alcohol tolerance of 10.0%. The ideal fermentation temperature range for this yeast strain is 18.0-24.0 °C. This yeast strain can be used to brew traditional German-style wheat ales, including hefeweizens, dunkelsweizens, Kristalweizens and Weizenbocks. Its flavor profile consists of aromas and flavors such as banana, clove, bubblegum and vanilla, which add complexity and depth to the beer styles brewed with it.